Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#23 the end

some things I liked:

librarything, though it does need some work as the recommended reading is mostly useless.
youtube and podcasting.

Rss feeds didn't seem especially useful to me, personally.

and now, back to work!

#22 e-books

I could not find the book "Animal Liberation" nor "Winnie the pooh"

but they claim to have 500,000+ titles, when I have more time I'll find something to listen to.

#21 podcasting

check out the Animal Voices link in my bloglines account:

#20 youtube

if you haven't discovered youtube before now you've been living in a cave in afghanistan, gathering berries for food. maybe you've made some nice cave paintings, maybe you can make fire, probably don't know about the wheel yet. sadly, you probably aren't reading this as you're hunting for food with a sharp stick.

check out this video:

Making Fresh Diamonds in the Microwave

we'll be rich!!!

#19 and the award goes to...

this site selected at random:

you can submit ideas for t-shirts and possibly win money. my idea was a silhouette of a bull with the words "C O Moo" forming the ring thru his nose.

#18 posted from Zohohoho

Zohoho writer, everything i wanted for xmas!

seriously though, pretty convenient for ppl travelling or who don't

have their own computer. probably useless for office applications


I added my blog to the required page. kilroy was here

#16 wikis

wikis are pretty cool.

#15: the 2.nothing phenomenon

virtual worlds mean less reality, less contact with people and animals. let's spend 40+ hours in second life because this life is so horrible...right?

and some people think drugs are bad

#14 technocrati

I went to this site, and did a keyword search for Learning 2.0.

#13 delicious

There are some links to vegan stuff on

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#9 Adding RSS feeds

Technocrati has some nice animal liberation videos

#8 RSS feeds


This blog is not about encouraging dead pets, like cats and dogs, but discouraging dead cows, horses, pigs, chickens, fishes, etc.

#11 Library Thing

Finally something useful in Learning 2.0!!!

I could spend (waste?) even more time here than on

anyway, here's my brief library thingie:

#10 image captioner

here's a nice thought:

Monday, November 26, 2007

#5 flickr pic

this is gross:

have you eaten meat today?

#7 Technology related post

Was it Jonathan Swift whose modest proposal suggested eating cats?

Abattoir technology according to wikipedia:

"Animals are usually knocked unconscious by applying an electric shock of 300 volts and 2 amps to the back of the head, effectively stunning the animal. [citation needed] If unsuccessful, secondary methods include the use of a captive bolt pistol to the front of the animal's head. Livestock are also rendered unconscious by CO2 captive bolt stunning and CO2/inert gas stunning (This step is prohibited under strict application of Halal and Kashrut codes). Animals are hung upside down by one of their hind legs on the processing line. The main arteries and veins are severed with a knife mainly in the neck and the animal's blood drains, causing death through exsanguination."


And check out what technology can tell us about dairy cows and their affects on global warming:

Web 2.0 #3

First post, a test