Monday, November 26, 2007

#7 Technology related post

Was it Jonathan Swift whose modest proposal suggested eating cats?

Abattoir technology according to wikipedia:

"Animals are usually knocked unconscious by applying an electric shock of 300 volts and 2 amps to the back of the head, effectively stunning the animal. [citation needed] If unsuccessful, secondary methods include the use of a captive bolt pistol to the front of the animal's head. Livestock are also rendered unconscious by CO2 captive bolt stunning and CO2/inert gas stunning (This step is prohibited under strict application of Halal and Kashrut codes). Animals are hung upside down by one of their hind legs on the processing line. The main arteries and veins are severed with a knife mainly in the neck and the animal's blood drains, causing death through exsanguination."


And check out what technology can tell us about dairy cows and their affects on global warming:

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